ATTENTION: For Those who are serious about Solving Their Insomnia Problems..
Discover How to Release Racing Thoughts, Transition to Sleep With Ease and Level Up Your Focus
What You Will Get From This Quick Audio Download:
Success Trigger #1:
Transform Your Transition
In this quick hypnosis session, you'll start by gently releasing the near constant onslaught of thoughts running through your mind and instead, enter a state of peace and calm that will set you up for a restful night's sleep.
Success Trigger #2: 

Slip into Sleep with Ease
Instead of the normal hours of tossing and turning, you will finally regain control of your sleep schedule and decide when YOU want to sleep because where the session ends, sleep begins. 
Success Trigger #3: 

Become Free to Focus
Instead of being plagued by exhaustion, you'll be able to relax knowing you are getting the sleep you need and are able to put the focus back where it belongs, on living a better life.

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Banish Insomnia audio MP3$19.99
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